Take a look at our testimonials and some of the lives that Immunovet has changed for the better!
On May the 6th I had a meltdown. I had spent the night away – I got home and saw my ginger boy and just bawled my eyes out! His back was hairless, oozing with yeast in every neck roll, bleeding and cracked with a layer so thick of buildup – that it no longer felt like skin! it was rock hard!! This is the only pic I have of him like this. It wasnt even something I could look at. It had been this way for about a month and NOTHING was helping. We were both so broken! 💔
I sat on Google and I cant remember exactly what I googled – but Immunovet (a natural supplement powder that you add to their meals) came up. I looked on their website and by the time I had read some testimonials I knew I had to have this product. An English Bull Terriers story stuck out and I remember reading it and just thinking YES, YES, YES – this is everything we are going through.
I ordered it on May the 10th and on May the 14th both boys had their first dose.
This is PAC today. June 20th. THESE PICTURES ARE 5 WEEKS APART 😍😍🙈🙈❤❤ By week 1 all the oozing had stopped!! By week 3 we noticed hair growth starting back and now at week 5 he has a few dry spots remaining but gets better with each day. His personality is back and he is back to being the silly, energetic dog we remember! 🐶
I dont know who makes this stuff – this isnt an advert for them – but we DO feel obliged to let you know that IMMUNOVET HAS CHANGED OUR F*CKIN LIFE 👏👏🌟🌟 We will never be without it. We have spent easily over $1000 on every cream, remedy, lotion, powder or liquid known to help allergies and nothing helped and I honestly dont know where we wouldve ended up without it!! ❤
All I know is I GOTCHU PACCY – AND WE GOT THIS BIG MAN 👏👏🐶❤ xxxx

Within about a month of giving Van the Immunovet we saw a huge improvement! He jumps up on the couch (and our bed haha) with ease, he runs around at our farm like a 2 year old (he’s 7 in 2 days!!) When we let him outside for a final toilet stop at night, he jumps around and runs around the house outside to make sure there is no one there – he’s really happy since we started him on the Immunovet! He is honestly like a damn puppy! Haha a 60kg puppy that is!! We are so thrilled with the results, and want to thank you so much for supplying
us with this wonderful product.

Just a quick awesome thanks heaps to Immunovet for helping our oldies enjoy running and smiling again.
We wanted to make her remaining days as enjoyable as possible. Well we needn’t have worried…. A week of immunovet morning and night and she is galloping down the paddock to play with her toys. Winstone is 11, he was sad as!! After 3 weeks he was happy as a sam boy and smiling again.
Thank you Immunovet.

He was lethargic and wasn’t interested in playing. I decided to try Immunovet. He’d lost hair and the glint of mischief and I was worried about him. On my 3rd or 4th lot (my bully gets them too!) and the lil man is back to being a complete pain! He’s cheeky and running about like a mad thing and starting the play rough and tumble so big thumbs up to you – thank you

About two Years ago I started researching online and came across Immunovet. Obviously until you have tried something you remain skeptical. However we have been using Immunovet daily with Charlie’s meals and have found that this has worked wonders. We started on higher amount as recommended and then have dropped to a maintenance level. We noticed a great improvement in the first 6 – 8 weeks and then a continual improvement over 12 months. We would recommend trying immunovet as it has worked exceptionally well for Charlie our dog.
RC Miller

This is Davie
When he was a kitten, Davie ‘climbed’ up a large and heavy speaker and it toppled and landed on top of him. His little head and face were quite crushed and we prepared ourselves for the worst. After an overnight stay at the vets, he came home and recovered fully.
As time went on, we knew he was different to his brother and we fondly referred to him as our ‘special needs cat’. His depth perception was out – a clumsy cat! He was constantly thirsty (thirst receptors were most likely affected during the accident) had persistent ‘welts/scabs’ on the back of his neck, was quite scared and flighty and never very affectionate with his people.
We tried Immunovet mainly to clear up his skin condition – the back of his neck often had bald patches and scabs.
Within weeks his neck cleared up but the biggest change is that he is a happier cat. He is more tolerant of strangers – friends are surprised because they didn’t realise we had two cats. He has ‘bunted’ me a couple of times (something his brother does all the time) and has even jumped up on my lap. His relationship with his brother is kinder too – no more tufts of fur lying around in the morning signalling a night time scrap. They play and they sleep together and he even purrs now.
Immunovet has improved his overall health and wellbeing and the proof is in his behaviour.

IMMUNOVET is produced bio technologically and contains all natural ingredients. The active component is a specially Fermented Wheat Germ Extract. It is closely familiar with a human dietary supplement for cancer patients named AVEMAR™ (www.AVEMAR.co), which is also manufactured by Biropharma.