Take a look at some of the research done on IMMUNOVET and how it can assist your pet with a wide variety of ailments.
IMMUNOVET is made from Fermented Wheat Germ Extract using All Natural Ingredients
Based on AVEMAR Treatment which has been Linked to Stalling Cancer Growth and Improving Quality of Life in Human Cancer Patients
* Clinically Studied and Scientifically Researched
* 100% Natural Holistic Health Supplement for Animals
* Official Supplier of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden
* Administered and Recommended by Veterinarians throughout the World
* Boosts the Immune System to help Fight Common Health Concerns
* Enhances Quality of Life and Physical Condition of Patients; Less Fatigue, Less Pain, Reduced
Inflammation and Increased Appetite
* Attacks Benign & Malignant Tumors
* Improves Skin Diseases & Itching
* Reduces Pain caused by Surgery, Arthritis, Auto Immune Disease or Inflammatory Conditions
* Speeds up Recovery from Surgery
* Assists with Wound Healing and Skin Problems
* Suitable for All Pets
* Improves Emotional Stress and Physical Well Being
* Used to Aid in Cancer and Animal Health

IMMUNOVET is produced bio technologically and contains all natural ingredients. The active component is a specially Fermented Wheat Germ Extract. It is closely familiar with a human dietary supplement for cancer patients named AVEMAR™ (www.AVEMAR.co), which is also manufactured by Biropharma.
It is also a product of the modern biotechnology. Part of the raw materials that is used to produce IMMUNOVET is wheat germ. Wheat germ contains most of the bio-active molecules in the whole wheat.
During the fermentation process, a highly valuable material is being produced, which is extracted to form the main ingredient of IMMUNOVET.