Get to know about IMMUNOVET and how it can assist your pet with a wide variety of ailments.
Quality comes first and as a means of demonstrating our commitment to supply the best products, we are pleased to announce that our quality management system has been assessed and certified following the renewal audit of SGS. This certifies that Biropharma Ltd. operates a quality management system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 for the following scope:
“Development, manufacture and contract manufacture of dietary foods for special medical purposes, traditional plant medicines, natural health products, dietary and feed supplements, phytopharmaceuticals and drug intermediates.”
Biropharma Ltd. has had ISO accreditation since 2000, which is testament to the continued levels of quality that we strive to offer our customers.
ISO 9001 is a quality management standard maintained by ISO (International Organisation for Standards) which applies to all types of organisations and is widely recognized and respected throughout the world.
IMMUNOVET is produced bio technologically and contains all natural ingredients. The active component is a specially Fermented Wheat Germ Extract. It is closely familiar with a human dietary supplement for cancer patients named AVEMAR™ (, which is also manufactured by Biropharma.
It is also a product of the modern biotechnology. Part of the raw materials that is used to produce IMMUNOVET is wheat germ. Wheat germ contains most of the bio-active molecules in the whole wheat.
During the fermentation process, a highly valuable material is being produced, which is extracted to form the main ingredient of IMMUNOVET.